Balance Your Chakras with Botanicals

chakras essential oils flower essences holistic health perfumes Apr 17, 2017

By Haley Ausserer

Chakras are spiritual energy centers in our bodies, and each of the seven chakras is associated with a specific energy and healing theme. Essential oils, flower essences, and other botanicals can work with these healing themes to bring us into balance and flow.

Stability. Rootedness. Security. Sustenance. The first chakra is the seat of our connection with the earth, and it holds the energy for our survival needs. Balancing this chakra allows us to feel safe and at home in ourselves. We can let go of a scarcity mindset and live instead from a place of trust and abundance. Balance Your Root Chakra: Jatamansi - A supreme oil for grounding and rejuvenation Safe and Secure flower essence - Enhances feelings of security and trust in life Ruh Khus - Wild vetiver grounds, centers, and cools Rose and Vetiver Attar - A sensual and earthy perfume Strength flower essence - Connect to the stabilizing energies of the earth.

Creativity. Sensuality. Flow. The second chakra is the home of our emotional responses, creativity, and experience of sensuality and pleasure. Balancing this chakra allows for a sense of abundance around our bodies and desires. Our creative energy flows freely; we align with and accept our natural rhythms. Balance Your Sacral Chakra: Embrace the Body flower essence - Heal body image issues and feel comfortable in your skin Clary Sage - Find soothing self-care and ease in monthly cycles Fertile Force flower essence - Tap into your innate creative potential Ylang Ylang - Open the heart to sensuality Ginger - Revitalize and restore the flow of stagnant qi.

Confidence. Boundaries. Inner Power. The third chakra holds the wisdom of proper boundaries and healthy assertion of our inner power. Balancing this chakra helps us to be decisive, self-assured, and accountable for our actions. We let go of aggression or feelings of helplessness, moving forward confidently and with focus. Balance Your Solar Plexus Chakra: Calendula flower essence tincture - Strengthens personal power and improves digestion Rosemary - Increases vitality, confidence, and feelings of self-worth Free to Be Me flower essence - Boosts self-acceptance and inner joy Inner Star Mist - Activates courage and authentic expression Tagetes - Calms aggression and promotes mental clarity.

Compassion. Healing. Love. The fourth chakra is our heart center. It is the home of compassion, tenderness, and our capacity to love. Balancing this chakra opens us to meaningful connection, forgiveness, and unconditional love. We can heal old wounds and build empathic, harmonious relationships with ourselves and others. Balance Your Heart Chakra: Heart Ease flower essence - Heals past hurts and unburdens a heavy heart Bliss Misting Potion - A floral cascade of joy and lightness Radiant Rose Body Serum - Softens skin and boosts self-love Nourish & Nurture flower essence - Strengthens and comforts the emotional heart Rose Perfume - Evokes romance, healing, and your unique beauty Myrtle - Soothes sadness and creates a sweet, positive atmosphere.

Expression. Communication. Breath. The fifth chakra holds the wisdom of authentic expression and open communication. Balancing this chakra helps us to speak honestly and breathe clearly. We can freely share our truths, without defensiveness or insecurity. Balance Your Throat Chakra: Inner Judge flower essence - Quiets perfectionism, shame, and self-criticism Breathe - Encourages deep and clear breathing Transformation flower essence - Resolves past trauma and supports effective public speaking.

Inspiration. Vision. Insight. The sixth chakra is the center of intuition and foresight. Balancing this chakra allows us to see situations clearly, perceive subtle energies, and sense our universal connection. We can access illuminating wisdom to set a guiding vision for ourselves and live in purposeful alignment. Balance Your Third Eye Chakra: Illuminate flower essence - enhance clarity and inner vision Agarwood Roll-On Attar - mystical support for manifestation Centered - focus the mind and intentions Dream - open to dreamtime inspiration Tune In flower essence - quiet mental chatter and attune to wisdom Sandalwood - connect with higher centers of intuition Frankincense - a spiritual tool for prayer and meditation.

Transcendence. Bliss. Spiritual Connection. The seventh chakra is the gateway to spiritual connection and enlightenment. Balancing this chakra brings spiritual growth, sacred communion, and the transcendence of our past limitations. We experience a mindful connection with the universe, no longer bound by feelings of isolation or separateness. Balance Your Crown Chakra: Passionflower flower essence tincture - Enhances peace and spiritual illumination Shaman fragrance - A mystical perfume with Palo Santo and euphoric temple incense Cistus Palo Santo - Used extensively in Andean shamanic purification rituals Spirit - A blissful blend of sacred scents White Sage - Cleanses energy and creates a transcendent atmosphere.

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